Mark Dutcher CV
b. 1963, Newport Beach, California
Resides in Los Angeles
2016 Time Machine, Jason Vass, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Transfer, Coagula Curatorial, Los Angeles, CA
2007 Curtains, High Energy Constructs, Los Angeles
Shelf Life, Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach, CA
2006 Gone, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
Come and Go, SolwayJones, Los Angeles
Go For Broken, The Office, Huntington Beach, CA
2004 AFTER THE FALL, SolwayJones, Los Angeles
2003 Monuments of Spent Desire, Advocate Gallery, Los Angeles
Columbarium, Greenleaf Galley, Whittier, California
2001 The Chamber of the Trembling Unicorn, Patricia Correia Gallery, Santa Monica
1999 New Paintings, POST Gallery, Los Angeles
Adventures in Logland, Delirium -Tremens, Los Angeles
2016 Before the Bridge, Jason Vass, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Rosette, Charlie James Gallery, organized by Mary Anna Pomonis, Los Angeles
2015 Angels with Dirty Faces, HilgerBROTKunsthalle, Vienna, Austria
2013 Interzone, C24 Gallery, New York, NY
2011 Painting. Design. Speculation. Generosity., CB1, Los Angeles, CA
2009 Art Basel Miami, Miami Beach, FL
2009 Bakers Dozen, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA
2008 Some Paintings, The 2007 LA Weekly Annual, curated by Doug Harvey, Track 16 Gallery, Los Angeles
2007 Telling, curated by Kristina Newhouse, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA
2004 California Biennial, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach
2013 Christopher Knight, Review: Mark Dutcher layers on organic rhythms at Coagula Projects,
LATimes, Oct 9, 2013
2007 Shana Nys Dambrot, Mark Dutcher: Cycles of Memory, a r t ltd . , January
2006 Chris Balaschak, Frieze , Issue 103, November-December
Opening Salvos in L.A., Michael Duncan, A r t in America , November
Catherine Taft, artillery , vol. 1, no. 2, November
Eve Wood, Go For Broken, artUS , issue no. 13, May-June
Shana Nys Dambrot, Made In Los Angeles, T e ma Celeste , January-February
2005 Jan Tumlir, California Biennial, Artforum , February 2005
Kristina Newhouse, Experiencing The California Biennial, X – Tra , vol. 7, no. 3, Spring 2005
2004 Doug Harvey, The Painting Cure, L A Weekl y , December 10 – 16
Kristin Chambers, 2004 California Biennial (catalog)